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In early July, we flew to Tunisia for a 10 day family holiday.  Never having been there before, I was unsure as to what to expect but what a lovely surprise awaited us!

Firstly the people were so very friendly and welcoming.  From the moment we landed at Enfidha airport and the lovely gentleman waiting to transfer us over to the hotel greeted us, every person smiled and wanted to tell us all about their culture and families.

We were fortunate to stay at the Les Orangers Garden Villas & Bungalows on the gorgeous beach of Hammamet.

The beach was a fine powder, the Mediterranean lapping its shores clear and warm for some gentle bathing.  Security patrolled the length of the beach on horseback therefore there had no concerns regarding security.

The grounds were just stunning, and even more so at night when the architecture blended beautifully with the warmly lit lanterns and fairy lights.

I don’t usually like swimming pools as they are normally chilled in order to cool you down from the heat of the sun but this pool was just like bath water – and there were no goose bumps getting out either.

Our room was huge – probably the biggest we had ever had anywhere!  The air con brought welcome relief from the heat, especially at night and the fact that we had 2 bedrooms and two bathrooms, joined together with a lounge in the middle was a god send as a family with a near teenager.

Was the room a 5* standard?  I would say not but it was clean, comfortable and extremely spacious.

We had a private taxi for the day (approx £90) and we ventured out to Sousse and Port El Kantaoui.  The Medina in Sousse took me by surprise.  It felt more like a  Greek village when comparing to Middle Eastern/North African medinas that I had been to before.  It was gorgeous and so Mediterranean in its feel.

A refreshing home made lemon drink and piece of cake, made by the cafe owners mum, was most welcome in the heat of the say – all served with a kind word and a broad smile.


Port El Kantaoui had an air of sophistication about it – beautifully clean with some fabulous boats and yachts moored up in the harbour.  Probably a great place to visit some of the local bars and cafes in an evening.

Our hotel was all inclusive and for the most part, buffet for each meal with a huge selection of fresh produce and live cooking station dishes to choose from.  The Tunisians are absolutely superb at making deserts – especially those made from chocolate.

We tried the a la carte one evening but had to order from a table d’hôte menu the evening before.  Barely anybody in there each time we passed, it came as a surprise that we had to book the night before, especially as it appeared that many dishes were brought across the gardens by trolley from the buffet restaurant.  Service didn’t feel a la carte either but you couldn’t get upset – the staff were just too nice and were trying to do their best.

All in all, would I recommend Tunisia for a holiday? Definitely I would recommend you book a hotel a star higher than you would normally – e.g. if you normally book 4*, book a 5*.  Tunisia is fabulous value for money so your budget will stretch that bit further.







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