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The world of travel continues to change not just daily, but sometimes hourly and through travel press updates, the Foreign Office advice and the evolving ‘traffic light’ system currently in place, we endeavour to keep abreast of the situation in order to update you and ensure that you are travel ready!

The UK government have now confirmed that as of 4am on Monday, October 4th, the current multi tiered traffic light system will be streamlined in to the two simpler green (go) and red (no go) categories.                                                                                                 

All devolved parliaments of the UK have now announced that they will align with the UK government on the relaxation of its testing rules for international travel however, Scotland will apply additional mitigations to guard against new variants being imported and, they have said, that these measures will not be at any additional cost to travellers.  Just yesterday, Wales not only confirmed its alignment but also that, for the time being, they will retain the day 2 PCR testing regime after arriving back from abroad due to variant concerns also.

TIP: Don’t just rely on the traffic light system to guide you in your travels.  The Foreign Office advice for some destinations is at odds with their traffic light system so please use both. In addition, just because the UK have placed a destination on to the amber or green list, doesn’t mean to say that that country will allow UK citizens in without Covid testing or quarantine requirements, if at all!!

The Daily Telegraph has revealed that double vaccinated UK citizens could very soon be able to take advantage of a much easier vaccination certification process to travel to the EU and some countries beyond.  It has emerged that the UK’s vaccination systems are currently being merged with those of the EU, which will  result in our Covid credentials being digitally checked thus removing the need for pre-departure testing for some countries.  It will also make entry to bars and restaurants easier too at some destinations.  The EU vaccine certificate scheme currently covers more than 40 countries, including Morocco and Turkey.

Canada has reopened its borders to the UK this month and boy oh boy, it’s getting busy for 2022 already!  It is also now on the UK’s green list so people are not holding back.  If Canada is on your holiday list for 2022, early booking is definately recommended.

The changing colours of the leaves and subsequent cascade from the trees is a sure sign that the winter months are just around the corner.  Our thoughts then drift towards sunnier, warmer climates or, indeed, the majestic white snow capped mountain peaks where great days can be spent enjoying the ski slopes.  The need for a holiday, an escape from the cold, wet and dull UK weather, then becomes ever more important.  So many have deferred travel arrangements from not just one year, but almost two and so availability will be more squeezed for the most popular destinations at peak times of the year to travel in 2022.

Why not dip your toe in the water now and ask us about your next dream holiday – it might be easier than you think!

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